Brian Casel
Brian Casel
Founder Designer Builder

The Illusion of "Doing Many Things"

If you look at my list of products, or tune into my podcasts, follow my tweets or videos, or read my newsletter, it’s safe to say I give the impression (illusion?) that I’m somehow everywhere, doin...
May 24th, 2019

A Founder's Limits

When a new product is in the build and launch phase, the founder—especially a solo, bootstrapped founders, like myself—can easily find themselves doing everything. Literally. From customer research...
May 17th, 2019

Should've been here by now.

You know that feeling when you’ve been expecting something to arrive, but then it doesn’t? The train is behind schedule. The check in the mail isn’t here yet. Your package hasn’t even shipped yet. ...
April 20th, 2019

Delegating Down to 2 Hours Per Week

These days I spend at most two hours per week working in my productize service business. Sometimes less. This has afforded me the freedom to devote full time focus to creating new products. Delegat...
March 16th, 2019

Space to breathe

I find the entrepreneurship to be more of a creative endeavor than anything else. You’re literally creating something out of nothing, with the goal of someone else finding value in your ideas. Look...
February 16th, 2019

Profitable Side Projects

Are side projects worth it? That’s a question I used to struggle with. Focus, focus, focus! Work on one business and give it all your time and attention. Don’t let up on growth. Avoid shiny objects...
February 9th, 2019

Impatient Execution

I’m an impatient person. Always have been.  Maybe it’s the New Yorker in me.  I don’t like waiting around for things to happen.  I have a constant need to make things happen.  Now! That can be a pr...
February 2nd, 2019

Themes, Not Goals

Here’s one of the trickiest things about the mental game of entrepreneurship: We are in our natural state when thinking about the future, setting goals and making plans to reach them. But being so ...
December 28th, 2018

The Best Ideas Come Fast

Ever since I’ve been creating things, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: My very best work, the things I’m most proud of and get the most enjoyment out of creating, always came about fast. Whethe...
December 22nd, 2018

The Plan B Strategy

Making that next big move? Starting a business. Selling a business. Applying for a big promotion. Forming a partnership. Doubling down on a new direction. You might fail. And that feels risky. Why?...
December 15th, 2018

Professional Entrepreneurship

How do you know when you’ve gone pro at something? Maybe it’s when you feel confident enough with your skillset that you submit an application for full-time employment at a company for a role which...
December 8th, 2018

Optimize for Finishing

Let’s talk about finishing. We focus so much of our time and interest on starting.  The idea.  The plan.  The product.  The momentum. Most of us are excellent starters.  Very few of us are finisher...
November 17th, 2018
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