Brian Casel
Brian Casel
Founder Designer Builder

How to Host or Attend a "Tiny" Conference

Find a tiny conference to attend or host your own!
October 16th, 2018

Becoming a Full Stack Product Person

I’ve always been a design guy.  Always more comfortable on the front-end. I could tip-toe my way around back-end code and carefully fit my HTML and CSS around it.  But actually wiring up a database...
July 25th, 2018

A Better Way to Hire

Have you figured out your “people” strategy? Meaning, your strategy for hiring your first teammates without wiping out your cashflow or taking on serious debt? And your strategy for scaling your te...
June 7th, 2018

12 Steps to Break Out of Product Indecision

You’re spinning in circles. “Should I change my product? Shut it down? Stay the course? Pivot? If I go this way, then what might happen? And if I go that way, what will be different?” Product indec...
March 9th, 2018

Software UX Hacks That Get Users There Faster

When you're designing the user experience for a software product, like a SaaS, these UX and UI hacks can help users leapfrog past the onboarding phase.
December 7th, 2017

Building a Business KPI Dashboard

Update 2019: Since the time I wrote this article, I launched a new product called Sunrise KPI, which makes it much easier to collect all of your key metrics in one place and have your numbers email...
June 19th, 2017

Watch me Build our Marketing Funnel in Drip

Do you use Drip for email marketing automation tool? I do. My team and I love it. The automation. The possibilities! There’s a lot you could do with Drip, but you’re probably wondering what you sho...
May 30th, 2017

Turn Distractions Into Opportunities

This happens all the time, right? Distractions.  Those fires you just have to put out right now, as fast as you can(!) you can get right back to working on your business. What if distractions were ...
May 1st, 2017

Self-Limiting Habits of Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is hard. Tell me something I don’t know, right? But seriously.  This shit’s hard and seems to get harder, even as you reach new levels of success. There are the external forces tha...
March 14th, 2017

The Anti-Agency

I wrote an article about something—a word, really—that’s been popping in my mind a lot this year.  That word is: Anti-Agency The more I work to refine my productized service business, the more I re...
November 25th, 2016

Zero to Validating a SaaS: A Step-by-Step Recap

Smart entrepreneurs are terrified of risk. That’s a good thing. In fact, I believe entrepreneurs should actively develop this fear. Nurture it. Use it. In 2016, I decided to start building a new so...
October 25th, 2016

From Solo-Preneur to Manager-Preneur

It occurred to me that honing my skills as a manager of people is probably the biggest area of focus for me personally in my business these past few years.  I also receive a lot of questions about ...
May 26th, 2016
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