Brian Casel
Brian Casel
Founder Designer Builder

Too Much Information

Information products. Podcasts. Ebooks. Interviews. Webinars. Business books. Hacker News. Conference talks. Online courses… I enjoy consuming information about startups, bootstrapping, marketing, ...
May 4th, 2013

When You’re Unhappy With a Contractor’s Work…

…It sucks. This might be the hardest part about managing independent contractors:  When you’re not satisfied with the work (or quality of work) they deliver. On the surface, this seems like a relat...
February 13th, 2013

Steal These Freelance Business Ideas

If you’re a freelance web worker in 2013, man, these are exciting times. Am I right? A few years ago, “going freelance” was a viable option only for those with a handful of skillsets: web developer...
January 27th, 2013
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