Brian Casel
Brian Casel
Founder Designer Builder

Your Customers Don’t Care About Your Idea

The best entrepreneurs don't care about "ideas". And neither do their customers. Success is all about finding ways to create value (not ideas). Here are a few thoughts on that topic.
September 17th, 2013

6 Insightful Takeaways From My Interviews With Entrepreneurs

My favorite part about doing my podcast, Bootstrapped Web, is the segment at the very end of each episode.  I call it the “Key Takeaways” section. After I finish recording the interview, I take som...
September 4th, 2013

How to Ease Your Customer’s Natural Resistence

Asking for money, attention, or time is always met by some resistance from our customer. Here are some tips for overcoming this in your site design.
August 26th, 2013

Learning to let go of Customer Support Duties

After months of procrastination, I'm getting over my fear of offloading customer support duties... Because I have no other choice. Here's how I'm doing it.
August 21st, 2013

Should Designers Learn to be Marketers?

There was a time not too long ago when the big question on the minds of many designers:  “Do designers need to learn how to code?” The answer to that question is pretty obvious by now.  If you’re a...
August 1st, 2013

What The Greatest Rock Song Ever Teaches us About Landing Page Design

Who knew we might learn something about landing page design just by jamming out to the greatest song in rock 'n roll history?
July 25th, 2013

The Cascading To-Do List (how to get BIG things done)

How do you get from point A to point B? Bootstrapped entrepreneurs are by their very nature highly motivated.  We love to get to work and get things done.  But that hard-driving work ethic often co...
July 10th, 2013

What The Best Interviewers Get Right

I love a great interview. I’ve been fascinated with interviewers for as long as I can remember. For years (and to this day) I tuned into Charlie Rose and Howard Stern, two of the best interviewers ...
June 11th, 2013

Just Get to The Second Try

During my college years (and after) I played guitar in a few bands.  It was a ton of fun, despite the fact that none of them made my bandmates and I the rockstars we had set out to be. I remember t...
June 4th, 2013

What Do The Best Podcasts Get Right?

I’m a total podcast junkie. I just love this medium for publishing content, building connections and fostering community.  A podcast is a mix of topical content, personalities, stories, production ...
May 24th, 2013

From Case Studies to Action

Creative bootstrappers tend to follow this pattern: Seek out a case study where we observe someone else executing a project in impressive fashion. Inspired, we identify parallels between their jou...
May 19th, 2013

Engineering Opportunities

I recently started juicing vegetables on a daily basis. It feels great to get that daily dose of vitamins and minerals that my diet has been sorely lacking in years past. And man, do I feel better ...
May 11th, 2013
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